Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My wonder dog

I was reading over some of my old posts and realised I said I would post a picture of my dog, Milly. Well here she is! The photo in the middle is when she was a young puppy.

The amount of times that Milly has cheered me up after a rough day/week/year is incredible. She always makes me smile and seems to sense when I am sad, showing me even more affection than usual (which is still quite a lot on a 'normal' day). She is so loyal and always feels the need to protect me. I am so lucky to have my husband and Milly in my life.

Sorry I haven't posted much. Christmas and the new year have been busy. I am also still getting my head around the Natural Killer Cells. Hopefully, I will be able to write a 'proper' post soon.


  1. OMG she is simply adorable and absolutely gorgeous!! Love those patches around her eyes!!


  2. My IL's have a bluey, they are gorgeous dogs!
