Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Remember me?

Sorry it has been a while.

I have been busy working, thinking about the baby, going to appointments, etc.

I am almost 29 weeks now. I can feel Basil (that is what we have called the baby for now) all the time. I love it, although I do get anxious if I don't feel movement for a while. Basil has also been getting the hiccups.

I have starting buying bits and pieces, but still need to organise quite a bit. I still have 7 weeks left of work. I am so exhausted! I have low iron, don't sleep much and teach kinder! So I love trying to rest when I can.

I still keep worrying about Basil being safe, healthy etc. I don't think it will ever go away.

Here is most recent bump pic from about 28 weeks.


  1. Like!!! You look fantastic. Rest lots and eat lots of red meat (if you're that way inclined). xxx

  2. Awww you are looking Gorgeous Amanda! Thanks for updating xxx

  3. Congrats!! keep checking back for an update and was worried when there wasn't one.

  4. Update please! So glad it's all going well (EB stalker here lol)

  5. Gorgeous bump, such an uplifting few posts compared to the hellish start to becoming a mum
